it’s either you or the endangered thick mouldy toast.
Wood, acrylic paint, recycled baseboards, plaster, painted paper, nail, wire
it’s either you or the endangered thick mouldy toast.
Wood, acrylic paint, recycled baseboards, plaster, painted paper, nail, wire
I had been reading about Helen Frankenthaler, Morris Louis, and Kenneth Noland and wanted to see what would happen when I watered down some acrylic house paint and poured it over the surface of a small panel. I came up with this piece and decided to put some kind 8-ball in it and ended up with an 8-ball yo yo. The yo yo is made from two wooden wheels I got from the craft store. The 8 in the white circle is made using the paint transfer technique I often use with the titles.
It was a magical descent into the abyss of disposable 8-ball yo-yos.
Acrylic paint, wood, linen string
10 x 10 x 1.5 inches (25.4 x 25.4 x 3.8 cm)
July 2023
If I had the studio space I would consider this small piece a maquette and do a 100 x 100-inch version with a 20 x 20-inch 8-ball yo yo hanging from it. As the song says “It doesn't cost a dime to dream.”
The title pieces are printed backward. I will coat this printed side with paint and place it painted side down on the art. After the paint is completely dry I will put water on the paper to soften it so it can be rubbed off revealing the type underneath which is no right reading.
On the reverse side of the title bar I pencil in an arrow to mark the center of the title and make sure the title is not upside down when I stick it to the art.
this will keep the sand off my snack toast.
Wood, acrylic paint, nails, copper wire
The title is too out of focus to read. If I can find a better image I will redo this post. :-(
Wood, acrylic paint, paper, wire
oh nice. the collapsible treat exhibit is still open.
Wood, acrylic paint, paper, recycled rusted tin can metal
9.25 x 11.5 x 2.75 inches (23.5 x 29.2 x 7 cm)
Wood, acrylic paint, wire, paper
i got its ghost at the motor pool magic carpet sale too.
Wood, acrylic paint, paper, old price stickers, handwoven tapestries (woven by the artist)
i was dreaming about the big one that just about got away.
Wood, acrylic paint, paper, wire, glass doll eyes
I had a panel that I started a painting on almost two years ago and didn’t care for the direction it was going so it hung on the studio wall for some time then was moved to an out of the way place in the studio where it stayed for almost a year. I finally decided to scrap the painting that was started and do something different. Here is the result with reservations that I might make some changes in time to come. Since it is summer and outside working weather and because this one is larger than what I normally work on, I used the table on the balcony.
Before I buy more paint I am trying to get through paint that I have had for several years some of which is starting to thicken and become unusable or almost unusable. It’s an exercise in making do only with what is on hand.
Acrylic paint on cradled wood panel
24 x 18 x 1.5 inches (61 x 45.7 x 3.8 cm)
July 2023
i’d write a book about those biscuits up there if i could get home.
Wood, acrylic paint, pasted and painted paper from a book, copper wire, metal from rusted tin can
after a costume change i went over and paid a visit to the 3 pig condos.
Wood, acrylic paint, pasted paper, doll eye, copper wire, pasted painted paper
i really am going to read this.
Wood, acrylic paint, copper wire, graphite, paper
ah well the library hasn’t gone to all the dogs.
Wood, acrylic paint, graphite, copper wire, painted pasted paper, plaster
8 x 9 inches (22.8 x 20.3 cm)
ooo. if i can find the electric shovel i won’t be in this jam.
Wood, acrylic paint, graphite, wire, glue
10.5 x 7 inches (26.7 x 18 cm)
now that my alarm clock has been lifted can’t find a thing.
Scrap wood, acrylic paint, graphite, painted paper
i tell you the knucklehead jackass fish loves the carpet the most.
Wood, acrylic paint, plaster, pasted painted paper, copper wire
5.5 x 10 inches (14 x 25.4 cm)
if this were beer i’d spit it out too.
Wood, acrylic paint, painted pasted paper
i just can't eat asparagus day in and day out.
Wood, acrylic paint, pasted paper, graphite, glass bottles, copper wire
8.5 x 9.5 inches (21.6 x 24 cm)
I got to thinking about the old 35mm slides I took of art that I created before this digital age we're in. I remembered that the city library has a slide scanner that I can use to digitize some of those slides. Here is a scanned image of one of the slides of a piece I created back when I was having more fun in a looser way than I have in the past decade. Unfortunately I don’t have the dimensions of most of them.
i’m not using it since i didn’t pay the property tax.
Wood, acrylic paint graphite, pasted paper.
4 x 8.75 x 1.5 inches (10 x 22.2 x 3.8 cm)
I used to use an old German portable typewriter that I don't have any more to create the title strips..Now I create them with a graphics app on my computer.