One of these days
One of these days

One of these days I’m going to use this Modulor Rule tape measure on a project just to say I tried it.

Scoring Art Cards
Scoring Art Cards

I printed some new art cards today at my favorite copy/printer in American Fork. I have trimmed them out and am in the process of scoring them.

Packing the studio up
Packing the studio up

I have packed up most of the studio and taken the boxes to the storage unit getting ready to put the condo on the market.

Spring Cleaning in the Fall
Spring Cleaning in the Fall

Behold a tidied up work table in the studio. Without thinking too much about it (which can be hindering) I just got rid of bits and pieces of stuff that have accumulated and been hanging around being useless for quite some time.

Compare with the image posted earlier.

New small work
New small work

This is the same box that appears in the previous image. I covered over the purple paint with yellow. I think I built this box a year ago and am finally getting around to doing something with it.

The work table again
The work table again

The glass vessel at the top of this image is my glue pot. Below are some laminated paper objects including a couple of Swiss cheese slices that have been painted.

Another slice of cake...
Another slice of cake...

Wood and acrylic paint, 1 x .75 x 1 inches (2.5 x 1.8 x 2.8 cm)

Something is going to happen.
Something is going to happen.

This is the first time in quite a while that the studio walls have been this empty. As Dave Bowman said when asked what is going to happen, "Something wonderful".

Background Panel
Background Panel

This is a recycle of a previous Cayucos panel painting. I have added some texture to the panel with some white paint then I coated the surface with some watered down dark blue paint and rubbed it in. After it was dry I sanded the surface with a fine sanding block to help accentuate the texture more.

Work Table as Storage
Work Table as Storage

Here is another shot of my work table being used as a place to put things. When I need to use the table I move the two piles off the table at the front left.

A local scene from a couple of blocks away.
A local scene from a couple of blocks away.

Outlines have been drawn and waiting for the next step of adding solid colors. I haven't done anything more with this since I started it mid July.

Getting Close
Getting Close

One of the arms of the toast cat man broke so I had to glue another one on. I'm waiting for the epoxy to cure before trimming the arm to the right length. Then he can be attached to the tipping ladder.

I'm also going to redo the face.

A Cumulated Mess
A Cumulated Mess

This mess is probably two or more years old. I pull little bits and pieces now and then from the pile that keeps growing.

Studio View, August 2024
Studio View, August 2024

A few new things being worked on. Some paint on the piece in the front resting on the table is drying. The tall narrow piece above on the wall is resting and not being worked on. :-)

Curbs No. 01
Curbs No. 01

This is the first of a possible new series with the subject of curbs. This one is in the early stages of creation. The flat colors have been laid in. Lots more to do with it. I started this back in June and haven't touched it since.

Cayucos Coastal No. 12
Cayucos Coastal No. 12

A work in progress that I started in June and this is as far as I have taken it. There is a lot left to do with visual textures and details. It is wider than the usual square format I usually use.

Right now it has a paint by number feel to it.

One of these days
Scoring Art Cards
Packing the studio up
Spring Cleaning in the Fall
New small work
The work table again
Another slice of cake...
Something is going to happen.
Background Panel
Work Table as Storage
A local scene from a couple of blocks away.
Getting Close
A Cumulated Mess
Studio View, August 2024
Curbs No. 01
Cayucos Coastal No. 12
One of these days

One of these days I’m going to use this Modulor Rule tape measure on a project just to say I tried it.

Scoring Art Cards

I printed some new art cards today at my favorite copy/printer in American Fork. I have trimmed them out and am in the process of scoring them.

Packing the studio up

I have packed up most of the studio and taken the boxes to the storage unit getting ready to put the condo on the market.

Spring Cleaning in the Fall

Behold a tidied up work table in the studio. Without thinking too much about it (which can be hindering) I just got rid of bits and pieces of stuff that have accumulated and been hanging around being useless for quite some time.

Compare with the image posted earlier.

New small work

This is the same box that appears in the previous image. I covered over the purple paint with yellow. I think I built this box a year ago and am finally getting around to doing something with it.

The work table again

The glass vessel at the top of this image is my glue pot. Below are some laminated paper objects including a couple of Swiss cheese slices that have been painted.

Another slice of cake...

Wood and acrylic paint, 1 x .75 x 1 inches (2.5 x 1.8 x 2.8 cm)

Something is going to happen.

This is the first time in quite a while that the studio walls have been this empty. As Dave Bowman said when asked what is going to happen, "Something wonderful".

Background Panel

This is a recycle of a previous Cayucos panel painting. I have added some texture to the panel with some white paint then I coated the surface with some watered down dark blue paint and rubbed it in. After it was dry I sanded the surface with a fine sanding block to help accentuate the texture more.

Work Table as Storage

Here is another shot of my work table being used as a place to put things. When I need to use the table I move the two piles off the table at the front left.

A local scene from a couple of blocks away.

Outlines have been drawn and waiting for the next step of adding solid colors. I haven't done anything more with this since I started it mid July.

Getting Close

One of the arms of the toast cat man broke so I had to glue another one on. I'm waiting for the epoxy to cure before trimming the arm to the right length. Then he can be attached to the tipping ladder.

I'm also going to redo the face.

A Cumulated Mess

This mess is probably two or more years old. I pull little bits and pieces now and then from the pile that keeps growing.

Studio View, August 2024

A few new things being worked on. Some paint on the piece in the front resting on the table is drying. The tall narrow piece above on the wall is resting and not being worked on. :-)

Curbs No. 01

This is the first of a possible new series with the subject of curbs. This one is in the early stages of creation. The flat colors have been laid in. Lots more to do with it. I started this back in June and haven't touched it since.

Cayucos Coastal No. 12

A work in progress that I started in June and this is as far as I have taken it. There is a lot left to do with visual textures and details. It is wider than the usual square format I usually use.

Right now it has a paint by number feel to it.

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