I spent part of this afternoon playing some more with transfering graphite marks and inkjet printing using paint. This time l transferred pencil marks I drew on some copier paper and some inkjet printed marks to some painted cloth.
To make a transfer, I paint over the marked side of the image on the paper and place the piece paint side down and carefully adhere it to the support. After the paint is dry I dab the paper with water and rub it loose with my fingers and damp paper towel until the image appears.
The top left and right items are pieces of cloth that were painted with some light gray brown paint. A transfer was then made using some darker gray brown paint which in this case was too dark for the transferred marks to appear. The pieces were then glued to the support using pink and white paint. The bottom item shows a piece that was more successful using pink paint. The other toast and dog items in the middle are earlier experiments in transferring marks directly to the support surface.