I have started to investigate the possibility of weaving yet again. This time using a rigid heddle loom. Years ago my friends and co-workers got me interested in weaving and one of them let me use a Leclerc floor loom to try it out. I enjoyed it so much that I bought a 40 inch 8 shaft AVL floor loom. It was a beautiful loom with polyester (Texsolv) heddles. It was big and took up a fair amount of space in the studio. After a number of years I decided to trade (sold to my sister in law) it in for a beautiful McSpadden mountain dulcimer. So now I’m starting to think of woven art possibilities.
I have been getting books from the library and reading articles and watching videos about rigid heddle looms. Some of the most helpful articles and videos focused on weaving with a rigid heddle loom are by Tamara Poff (Poff Studio) out of Tuscon, Arizona, Kelly Casanova (Kelly Casanova Weaving School) out of Australia, and Liz Gipson (Yarnworker) out of New Mexico.
I have also been looking at the beautiful yarns and articles on the GIST website for research and inspiration.
This is one of the best books I have found on Rigid-heddle weaving.
We’ll see what happens after all this searching.