Most of the time we only want to show our stuff that has been successfully produced. Here is something that didn’t turn out well at all. I had some fabric that I decided to use in a hasty weaving project to see what would happen as a learning experience. I must say the final product turned out rather sorry. But I did learn what to do and what not to do the next time.
The weave structure is plain weave on the idea of rep weave with alternating rag strips and red cotton weft on a blue cotton warp. I don’t think the idea is bad just the execution.
Bad tension to start off with. The first attempt at warping the loom ended in complete disaster and I ended up trashing it and starting all over. I should have washed the cloth before cutting it into strips. I should have used a tapestry beater on the rag strips. Maybe that wouldn’t have made much of a difference because of the stiffness of the unwashed fabric.
The sett was 8 epi of 5/2 mercerized cotton in an 8 dent rigid heddle.
This is the end at the beginning of the project where I had a very difficult time spreading the warp threads evenly. The beating of the threads was too tight and uneven.
You can see in this image where there is a break in the red weft thread where one ended and the next one started. I didn’t overlap the two enough.
A crummy job of joining separate strips of rag. I should have cut the fabric in a continuous strip instead of separate strips and trying to join them while weaving.