Near the end of the summer of 2012 during an artistic block I decided I would do an exercise of taking some 5 x 7-inch pieces of Bristol paper I had stored away and each night draw and paint something without worrying about how each one would turn out and be successful or not. Sometimes I would create as much as three a night. I used pencil, watercolors, and mostly water-soluble crayons. By the end of the 2012 I had created 207 Small Studies with an additional 22 after 2013 rolled in. Here are a few samples.
Small Studies No. 3: Watercolor. I did this one out of my head making it up as I went.
Watercolor and graphite
Water-soluble crayon and graphite
Watercolor and graphite
Automatic spontaneous with watercolor paint
Automatic spontaneous with watercolor paint