My Sketchbook Library

I started my first serious sketchbook journal some time in the late 70s when I was in college. I didn’t start dating them before the 3rd volume in 1980. I have been numbering the pages consecutively so when the first book ended with page 108 the next one started with page 109 and so forth. I have numbered them as spreads instead of each side of a single page. I spend some of the time entering ideas and designs in a hard bound book and other times on my Galaxy tablet.

When I first started keeping sketchbook journals I would start at the beginning with graphic design ideas and work towards the back then I would start at the back and enter art ideas until they met in the middle. The last few books have been confined to all art ideas since moving away from graphic design. I would usually do drawings on the right side of the spread and jot down handwritten notes on the left page of the spread.

Some of the books are artist sketchbooks purchased from art supply shops and some of them are blank dummy books I got from a friend who worked for a publisher. Only one of the sketchbooks is a spiral bound tablet book while all the rest are hard bound.

17 volumes. The one with the red spine laying on it’s side is the one currently being worked on.