I think this is my first digital drawing. It was created on my first Galaxy tablet. I used the Sketchbook Pro for Android app. The scene is a view across the street from my doctor office. I was waiting for an appointment to start and decided to do something creative while waiting.
More portrait work
I felt like I was a bit too tight in my rendering with the clowning fish piece so I tried working looser with this one. I used the pencil brushes and watercolor brush I normally use and several paint brushes that I haven't use before. There are a lot of brushes to choose from in Infinite Painter and there is plenty of room for experimenting and exploration.
Tool: Galaxy Tab S3 tablet, App: Infinite Painter, Size: 3000 x 3000 px.
Clowning a Fish
I found several images of fish on the web and this one seemed to fit the bill. The image here is in process.
Tool: Galaxy Tab S3 with S-Pen, App: Infinite Painter, Size: 2258 x 3000 px.
I remember reading that the author Ray Bradbury made it a practice to write something everyday and I think he did. I'm not there but I've been trying to draw more these days. More than I have in the past couple of decades. Draw anything. Some of the drawing are hasty sketches of ideas for actual paintings and sculptures that suddenly come to me. Others are more detailed exercises in color, texture and detail. Some of them end up being finished drawings. And some of them no one needs to see them.
What do you do when you don't feel like drawing? Draw anyway. What if it's the middle of the night and you are trying to go to sleep and suddenly an idea pops into your head? Draw anyway. What happens when you think an idea you want to draw may be a silly and not worth drawing? Draw anyway. Or what if you think a drawing might not turn out as you expect it will? Draw anyway.
Sand Drawing
We recently got back from a great trip to the California central coast. I decided one day to use the wet sand on the beach as a medium for sketching some ideas. I found a stick and went down to where the waves had recently smoothed the sand and it was still wet and quickly drew some ideas that came to mind then took pictures of them. The idea was to stand there watching the waves form and crash and the surf as it rolled up on the beach and back then quickly sketch an interpretation of what I had just seen. Eventually the surf will erase everything. It was a good exercise in spontaneity. I ended up doing this a couple more times and it was a nice change from the tablet.