Winter Group Show Opening

I attended the opening of the Winter Group Show at the Phillips Gallery yesterday evening. Lots of new work by artists represented by the gallery are shown in this exhibit. I have three works on display on the main gallery floor.

I got there a bit later than I had expected because of very slow traffic all the way from Utah County to the 6th South exit so I'm sure I missed seeing some good people and artists. I feel fortunate and blessed to be with the Phillips Gallery again.

BYU Idaho Spori Gallery Event

I will be showing my work in the BYU Idaho Spori Gallery from February 5 to March 10, 2016. I will also be speaking at an art seminar before the show opening reception on February 4. I will post more details as they become available.

Another Tool: Sander

This orbital sander is a hand saver. Sanding small items by hand with a sanding block works well but this device is much faster when working on larger surfaces like this panel from an older piece I decided to rework.


I remember reading that the author Ray Bradbury made it a practice to write something everyday and I think he did. I'm not there but I've been trying to draw more these days. More than I have in the past couple of decades. Draw anything. Some of the drawing are hasty sketches of ideas for actual paintings and sculptures that suddenly come to me. Others are more detailed exercises in color, texture and detail. Some of them end up being finished drawings. And some of them no one needs to see them.

What do you do when you don't feel like drawing? Draw anyway. What if it's the middle of the night and you are trying to go to sleep and suddenly an idea pops into your head? Draw anyway. What happens when you think an idea you want to draw may be a silly and not worth drawing? Draw anyway. Or what if you think a drawing might not turn out as you expect it will? Draw anyway.

Scraping by...

Here is a picture of paint spreaders and scrapers I use. They are mostly bits of card stock from discarded boxes that my pump supplies come. I can cut them to any width and shape. Simple but effective. There is also a plastic card that serves more purpose now as a spreader/scraper than what it was originally intended for.

A lot more on the table

What a mess. I am currently working on one of my smaller box like pieces and you can see by the image that there are a lot of things that are accumulating than are usually there when I am working on the larger Cayucos Lattice pieces.

Latex molds, can of plaster, sanding block, ink roller, brushes, glue, art pieces, eye screws, newspaper clippings, little saw and miter box, stir sticks, scraping cards, and mixing jars. Resting upright on the little purple sofa are a couple of cas…

Latex molds, can of plaster, sanding block, ink roller, brushes, glue, art pieces, eye screws, newspaper clippings, little saw and miter box, stir sticks, scraping cards, and mixing jars. Resting upright on the little purple sofa are a couple of cast plaster doll legs in molds.

The opening

It has been nearly two weeks since the opening of the summer group show at the Phillips Gallery. I have been both lazy and busy working on another piece. The evening was fun and it was good to see some folks I haven't seen for some time. Thanks to you all for coming. It is nice to be showing work again.

I had five pieces up on the walls. Two of them are from the Cayucos Lattice series and three others were pieces I had done in 2012 and had not previously shown except to a few family members.

Upcoming Show

I am excited to announce that I will be participating in a summer group show at the Phillips Gallery this month of July, 2015. I have some new work (in the words of Monty Python "something completely different") and some pieces along the lines of what I have traditionally been doing that I have submitted to the gallery.

The show opens July 17 with a gallery opening that starting that evening from 6:00–9:00. The gallery address is 444 East 200 South, Salt Lake City. It is east of the restaurant Vinto.

Exhibit News

I met with Meri at the Phillips Gallery yesterday afternoon and scheduled a date to bring some of the Cayucos Lattice pieces to put in the summer group show this coming July 2015. While there I took time to wander about the current exhibits and was also able to go out on the sculpture deck for the first time and enjoy the setting.

I also met yesterday with Patrick at the Sweet library in the avenues to look over the exhibition space and facilities and to sign the contract for exhibiting there July of 2016. As the date gets closer I will post more info.

Sand Drawing

We recently got back from a great trip to the California central coast. I decided one day to use the wet sand on the beach as a medium for sketching some ideas. I found a stick and went down to where the waves had recently smoothed the sand and it was still wet and quickly drew some ideas that came to mind then took pictures of them. The idea was to stand there watching the waves form and crash and the surf as it rolled up on the beach and back then quickly sketch an interpretation of what I had just seen. Eventually the surf will erase everything. It was a good exercise in spontaneity. I ended up doing this a couple more times and it was a nice change from the tablet.