Colors blocked in with the paint bucket fill tool, paint, and pencil brushes.
A couple of pencil brushes where use to add some definitions.
Colors blocked in with the paint bucket fill tool, paint, and pencil brushes.
A couple of pencil brushes where use to add some definitions.
Yesterday I started working on some fabric designs again. I’m thinking about using one of the fabric printing services available to print the design.
Design 01: 3166 x 3000 px.
Design 02: 3166 x 3000 px.
Design 03: 3166 x 3000 px.
Design 04: 3166 x 3000 px.
Design 05: 3166 x 3000 px.
I started this one this afternoon and picked back up on it later this evening. I was having such fun that before I knew it it was after 22:00. I decided to try some different brushes. I also chose a longer horizontal layout this time. After drawing the shapes in black with a smooth pencil brush I use the paint bucket tool to quickly fill the shapes with colors then I use various pencil and paint brushes to rough things up a bit.
1295 x 3000 px. Galaxy Tab S3 tablet with Infinite Painter.
I started one yesterday. This newly designed human doesn't have to worry about wearing a mask out in public.
Infinite Painter on a Galaxy Tab S3 tablet, 3000 x 2295 px.
I've had to stay home from work for the past few days and can't go anywhere. Here is what I've been driven to.
Another clown dreaming of donut nirvana. Size: 3000 x 2245 px. Galaxy Tab S3 tablet and Infinite Painter.
Taking a pause with display art my daughter and I decided to finally try our hand at making laminated dough and croissants. We started Tuesday with me making the dough and putting it in the fridge for a cold overnight proof. Wednesday Marianna came over and we made the butter block and laminated the dough with three trifolds and put it in the fridge overnight. Today we shaped, baked, and ate.
Formula from Baking Artisan Pastries & Bread by Ciril Hitz. Butter was Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter 82% butter fat.
Another m-house sculpture completed yesterday. Here are a few pictures. This is the third m-house. Try saying "m-house" fast a few times and listen to what you get.
Mixed media. Mostly wood and acrylic paint. The wheels came from a hobby/craft store and the wood for the house is stake and paint stick wood from the DIY store.
Detail with a mustard cake moon.
Legs with little yellow wooden wheels.
Tool: Galaxy Tab S3 tablet: App: Infinite Painter, Size: 3000 x 3000 px.
After recently reading Show Your Work and Keep Going by Austin Kleon I'm reading his book Steal Like an Artist again. All three have been giving me ideas and reminders for positive change and what I need to resume doing again.
I tried doing a drawing of my daughter and son and son in-law's dog Francis.
Tool: Galaxy Tab S3 tablet, App: Infinite Painter, Size: 3000 x 3000 px.
I started this one yesterday and worked on it a little before leaving for work this morning. And while driving to work I thought of adding a donut so I took a few pictures of some donuts when I got to work to use as a reference.
A work in progress with a working title of “Dick E Clown covets a donut.” TooI: Galaxy Tab S3 tablet, App: Infinite Painter, Size: 3000 x 3000 px.
I felt like I was a bit too tight in my rendering with the clowning fish piece so I tried working looser with this one. I used the pencil brushes and watercolor brush I normally use and several paint brushes that I haven't use before. There are a lot of brushes to choose from in Infinite Painter and there is plenty of room for experimenting and exploration.
Tool: Galaxy Tab S3 tablet, App: Infinite Painter, Size: 3000 x 3000 px.
I decided to make a bigger painting panel this time using nice plywood for the panel I got from McBeath Hardwood instead of MDF that I usually use. And I'm using pine I got from the Home Depot for the frame. My little work surface on the balcony is too small so I'm using the dining room floor. I sit in the chair to add extra weight while the glue dries.
Floor space, newspaper, and a chair for weight. I sat on the chair for extra weight.
I found several images of fish on the web and this one seemed to fit the bill. The image here is in process.
Tool: Galaxy Tab S3 with S-Pen, App: Infinite Painter, Size: 2258 x 3000 px.
This morning I made Sailor Sunny Jim's sailor cap using a piece of dowel, heavy paper, newspaper, glue, and paint.
First I cut a section of dowel to a size compfortable to hold.
I then started shaping the dome of the cap with a sanding block.
After getting the shape of the dome where I wanted it I cut it off the dowel.
Here I've finished shaping the side of the cap using a sanding block.
I glued some heavy paper around the side of the shape to form the brim. I placed it on what is going to be Sailor Sunny Jim's head to see how it will fit. I then glued some tiny pieces of newsprint around the brim.
Here is the finished sailor cap with a fresh coat of acrylic paint.
Over 40 years later this pencil is one of the most used tools in my art toolbox. I have a nifty sharpener that quickly gives the graphite rod a fine sharp point. An extra bonus is the graphite dust left behind without any wood shavings. I have used the dust as a shading medium. Many years ago I used the dust as a painting medium mixed with rubber cement thinner. I was given the idea by one of my college instructors Richard Bird. When brushed on paper the rubber cement thinner evaporates quickly leaving the dry graphite dust which needs to be fixed to the surface with some kind of fixative. You end up with a wash and water color effect.
Gramercy all metal graphite holder. Pushing the button on the opposite end releases the graphite rod so it can be sharpened.
Castell 42 sharpener.
Graphite dust on the left and a smudge on the right made by dipping a piece of paper towel in the dust and rubbing it into the wood.
I got the idea for this one while watching an episode of The Great British Baking Show.
Tool: Galaxy Tab S3 tablet, App: Infinite Painter, Size: 3000 x 3000 px.
Going out on a limb with color on this one.
Tool: Galaxy Tab S3 tablet with S-pen. App: Infinite Painter. Resolution: 3000 x 3000 px.
With the original base colors added.
See the image posted yesterday, June 10.
I got a lot done yesterday and today was no exception. I got four small assemblage boxes/painting panels made from scrap wood. I started another digital Clowning painting/drawing and I got another sculpture idea started.
The four small boxes are intended to be small assemblages on one side and a painting on the other side. Two in one art pieces. They are not meant to be hung but displayed freestanding.
small assemblage box frames and painting panels. June 10, 2020.
Three small painting panels completed yesterday June 9. 2020.
Digital Clowning painting/drawing. June 10, 2020.